HEdGe- Hawkinge Environment Group

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The Reinden Xmas Tree
White Cliffs Countryside Project
Kent Landscape Information System


Spinney the Spider
Spinney the Spider

The story of the Reinden Xmas tree.

There was once a beautiful little spider named Spinney. And she lived in Reinden wood in one of only two lovely green Norway spruce trees. One winters morning she felt that she had been indoors with all her relatives for far too long, and decided to go out for a walk.

Now this was not to be undertaken lightly as Spinney had to say goodbye to all her family before she could go out. This was no easy task as she had two hundred brothers, over three hundred sisters and uncountable numbers of other assorted relatives, although she did have only one mum and dad.

By the time Spinney got out of the house it was nearly lunchtime and her voice was a little hoarse from so many farewells. By and by she came upon an old thin stoat, who was so hungry he could hardly even walk so he hobbled with a wobble.

'Hello little spider' said the stoat. He was thinking 'it's a shame there is not enough of this little spider to even taste let alone fill me up'.

'My name is Spinney' said the spider and 'I have just come out for a walk today leaving all my family at home'.

At this the old stoat pricked up his ears as he new that spiders can have great big families and this would indeed be a satisfying meal.

'And where do you live' said the old stoat?

'Just over there....'

And no sooner had she said this, than the stoat pounced on the spiders nest and ate up all the spiders.

Spinney was so lonely she cried for days and days and days.

She was still feeling lonely, so she decided to spin a web and span and span and span, until the whole tree was covered in a sparkly web, which glistened in the sunlight.

Just then a family came by and were so impressed with the sparkly tree that they bought it off of Spinney and that is believed to be the origin of the decorated Xmas tree.

And what happened to Spinney's family?

Well Spinney gave the money to the stoat to buy some food if he gave back her family.

Spinney and her family moved into the last Xmas tree in Reinden wood and they lived happily ever after. And she was glad, glad, glad.